Sperm donation is a procedure in which a man donates semen — the fluid containing sperm that is released during ejaculation — to help an individual or a couple conceive a baby. Donated sperm can be injected into a woman's reproductive organs (intrauterine insemination) or used to fertilize mature eggs in a lab (in vitro fertilization). The use of donated sperm is known as third-party reproduction. A man who makes a sperm donation can be known or anonymous to the recipient. Sperm donations made to a known recipient are called directed donations. Before you can donate sperm, you must be screened for medical conditions and other risk factors. It's also important to understand the possible emotional, psychological and legal issues of sperm donation.
Embryo Donation:
Embryo donation is a process utilized when a couple who cannot conceive through IVF technology using their own egg and sperm. This could be because there are problems associated with either the recipient's egg or the recipient's sperm or both. In cases such as these, the couple can choose to adopt an embryo formed from a donor egg which is fertilized using unrelated donor sperm.
What is the Embryo Donation Process?:
In the embryo donation process, a couple will receive a non-autologous embryo. It simply means that the couple who receive the embryo will not be genetically connected to either the egg or the sperm donor. You are adopting a fertilized and frozen embryo where both the egg and sperm come from unrelated donors. Embryo donation can, therefore, be considered as a third party donation. In the embryo donation process, the embryos are created using a donor egg and an unrelated sperm.
IVF methods are utilized to create an embryo from a donor egg and donor sperm. The fertilized embryo thus formed will be placed in the uterus of the recipient woman who will then be taken care of through her pregnancy and childbirth. The child will then be considered as the child of the mother who delivers the child. The principle followed is the same as that involved in sperm or egg donation. Embryo donation is often done in an anonymous process to protect the privacy of all the parties involved.
A sperm donor is a man who donates semen, which contains sperm, to a woman or a couple who is trying to get pregnant. You can choose to use an anonymous donor or a use a friend or relative, who can donate their sperm directly.
What’s the sperm donor process?
Men who want to become sperm donors — either with a sperm bank or via direct semen donation — have to undergo a screening process for a variety of hereditary and medical conditions:
-Sperm donors must compile a complete family and medical history.
-They must be tested for genetic conditions.
-Sperm donors have to be screened for mental health issues.
-Donors also have to be screened for communicable diseases including HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Sperm from anonymous donors must remain quarantined for at least six months until the donor is rescreened for these diseases and tests negative.