What is Painless Delivery?

Painless delivery refers to the use of an epidural injection which is given by an anaesthesiologist for pain relief during labour. It is injected in the lower back, and a plastic tube is placed through which drugs are released around the spinal cord. It is injected only once when you are in active labour which means you are having at least three contractions in 10 minutes.
Epidural doesn’t always provide 100% pain relief, but it substantially reduces pain and sensations in the lower half of the body. In early labour, pain can be managed using natural methods like warm showers, massages, and exercises.

Is it safe to take Epidural?

Epidurals are safe for the mother and baby, and it also provides relief from exhaustion and irritability. It helps women to relax and refocus on labour, but like any medical intervention, it can also cause unwanted side effects.

Why should you avoid an Epidural?

Epidural has a numbing effect. You will not be able to walk around and be confined to your bed. Your labour may be longer.You may have difficulty urinating and need a catheter.You may experience nausea and dizziness.You may be at higher risk for a forceps or vacuum delivery.

What are the Pros and Cons of Painless Delivery?

It helps a woman cope better with post-partum depression or exhaustion.It relaxes the vaginal muscles and provides space for the baby to descend.It decreases the blood pressure of the mother which is good because in natural labour, the mother has high BP and there are risks of the pressure reaching dangerously high levels and ending in a stroke.It prevents damage that would otherwise occur to the pelvic muscles during a normal delivery. ConsIt could cause a backache, dizziness or shivering.A decrease in the mother’s blood pressure can lead to a slowing down of heartbeat rate in the baby.There is a risk of experiencing severe headaches because of the fluid of the spine leaking.In some cases, there are chances of irretrievable damage to the nerves.In some studies, it was suggested that babies born in a painless delivery procedure could be a little slow and may face breastfeeding problems.

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